Background artwork by Diane Rusin Doran, detail of Jamestown.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Critique Resources

At last Saturday’s SAQA Parlor meeting, Linda Strowbridge did a great job talking about different methods of conducting critiques of art quilts. As promised, she has provided us with some resources for anyone who would like to read a little more on the topic.

We discussed a common, art school approach to conducting critiques. Known by the acronym DAIJ, the critique involves four steps: Description, Analysis, Interpretation and Judgement.

You can learn more about how to conduct at DAIJ critique in Lyric Kinard’s book, “Art + Quilt: Design Principles and Creativity Exercises.” She devotes an entire chapter to “The Art of Evaluation and Critique,” offering lots of questions to ask at each stage of the critique and guidance on how to tailor the critique to art quilts.

For a little more information on DAIJ critiques, check out this quick slideshow or this blog post entitled, “How to critique artwork like a pro.”

Of course, there are assorted other ways to critique an art quilt.

Kit Vincent outlines a critique method used by many quilt groups in this article on the SAQA website.

The SAQA website contains several other interesting resources about critique. They include a “Self Assessment Sheet” by Christine Zoller and an “Artwork Critique Form.”

Finally, Elizabeth Barton - a quilt artist, instructor and author in Georgia - offers her insights in a 2010 blog post entitled “On the Art of Critique.” She discusses the challenges of getting quilt artists to actually engage in critique, some practices from the design classes she teaches, and a different approach to critiquing works in progress.

Monday, April 22, 2013

April Parlor Meeting Review

We had a wonderful meeting on Saturday. There were 21 people in attendance.

We began with our usual review of upcoming events and calls for entry, plus other SAQA business.

SAQA Calls for Entry can be found here. (You'll have to log in to the SAQA website. This info is for members only. If you have trouble logging in, feel free to contact your reps for help. Emails on the sidebar.)

SAQA has released info about the 2014 conference. It will be May 1 to 4, 2014 and the theme will be "Capitolizing on Fiber." It will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Alexandria

Ideas were generated for a summer regional event. Mid July - regional SAQA gathering at Artscape in Baltimore  - detailed info on exact date and exact meeting location to be sent later (for info on Artscape  Thanks to Diane Getty who volunteered to coordinate this day out in Baltimore!

What other fun stuff would you like to do?  You are welcome to coordinate a gathering - all that is needed is pick a date, time and place (could be a museum or park to meet for a sketching day, or an art exhibit) email Amalia and Diane and let us know, or post it directly to the yahoo group - send a reminder email and that is it, easy peasey, lemon squeezey!  

Susan Callahan presented an excellent program about using paint on quilts. She shared her "What If? What Else? and What Now?" process.

Linda Strowbridge presented an excellent program about various methods of critiquing for art quilts. Look for a separate blog post with an overview and resources from Linda.

We had mini trunk shows from Floris Flam, Deborah Boschert and Amalia Morusiewicz.

We concluded with lots of chatting, catching up, and lots of ooohing and aahing over art quilts.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Upcoming April Parlor Meeting

We've got tons of great stuff on tap for our upcoming parlor meeting. I'm looking forward to seeing you!

Saturday, April 20 from 10 am to noon
Sack lunch and socializing following the meeting, if you wish
Debra Gabel’s Studio
13681 Meadow Glenn
Clarksville, MD

Mini-Program on Artistic Development: 
Using Various Paints on Art Quilts presented by Susan Callahan

Mini-Program on Professional Development:
Methods and Ideas for Critiquing Art Quilts presented by Linda Strowbridge

We will also have mini-trunk shows presented by Floris Flam, Amalia Morusiewicz and Deborah Boschert.

If you've had an art quilt juried into a SAQA show in the past couple of months, please bring it along to share and celebrate!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Great January Parlor Meeting

Thanks to all who attended our Parlor Meeting. We had 32 members in attendance! A huge crowd!

We had the "This is a Quilt! SAQA Trunk Show" and enjoyed looking at each of the 35 small art quilts included. Discussion was lively as we compared quilts, discussed strengths and weaknesses and considered our favorites. We had trunk E. All of the quilts from this trunk are pictured on the SAQA website if you'd like to take another look. See them here.

Thanks to Nancy Sharp and Kristin LaFlamme for sharing their work as part of the "feedback" portion of our meeting.

Our next Parlor Meeting will be Saturday, April 20 from 10 to noon.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

See you on Saturday!

Our next regional SAQA meeting is THIS SATURDAY!

Saturday, January 19 from 10 am to noon
Sack lunch and socializing following the meeting, if you wish
Debra Gabel’s Studio
13681 Meadow Glenn
Clarksville, MD

We are thrilled to have one of SAQA trunk shows for our meeting. Rather than having mini-workshops about professional and artistic development, we’ll use the artwork in the trunk to discuss artist statements, critique, and other topics related to presenting and sharing art quilts. This is not the same trunk we had last January. It will be all new artwork!

If you are interested in sharing the trunk with a guild, critique group or other group of artists during January or February, please contact Deborah Boschert. SAQA is eager to share these trunks with anyone interested!

Because this is the second time our region has hosted a trunk, we are expected to help cover shipping costs. We’ll have a basket at the parlor meeting. Please think about dropping in a dollar or two. Thank you.

We will also have a business card exchange at the parlor meeting. Please feel free to bring a stack of cards to share with other members. We’ll also take a little time during the meeting to share information about how you designed the cards, where you had them printed and creative ways to use business cards.

Nancy Sharp and Kristin La Flamme have volunteered to share their work during our "feedback" session. Thanks Nancy and Kristin!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Regional Meeting January 19, 2013

Don't miss our next regional meeting!

Regional Parlor Meeting
Saturday, January 19, 2013
10 to noon
13681 Meadow Glenn
Clarksville, MD

We'll have the SAQA trunk for review, critique and discussion. Plus, we're exchanging business cards. Bring a stack of cards to share!