This blog is now the central location for all info about the Maryland/DC/West Virginia Region of Studio Art Quilt Associates. All the most important and immediate information can be found on the side bar. If you have a question, look there first!
Above you'll see tabs for pages of other information. There is an "About Us" page including the SAQA mission statement and an overview of our region. On the "Members" page, there is a list of members' websites. On the "Events" page, you'll find a list of member shows, special events and other art quilt related notifications. Finally, there is a "Links" page where you will find a list of SAQA related links and directions for finding additional information.
Co-Reps Deborah and Diane are working to develop this blog and make it as useful as possible. We are eager to add another member to our "blog team." Please let us know if you are intersted.
As always, please feel free to email with comments, questions, suggestions and requests.